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Pharmaceutics-2021, an annual conference organized by Pravo.ru

On April 27, Pharmaceuticals-2021, a conference organized by Pravo.ru was held attended by Oksana Pavlukhina, head of the Antitrust Regulation practice group of ART DE LEX.

Oksana Pavlukhina, head of the Antitrust Regulation practice group of ART DE LEX, devoted her presentation to compliance as a mechanism for preventing antitrust risks in the pharmaceutical industry. One of the risks is agreements restricting competition. Such risks arise because one of the types of income of pharmaceutical companies is participation in government procurements. By committing violations when participating in auctions, companies fall under the attention of the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The company's management may not be aware of the conspiracy: an employee of the pharma, in an attempt to fulfill the plan, makes a deal with the customer or the organizer of the auction, and they commit violations of the law.

More details: https://event.pravo.ru/view/229706/