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Dramatic increases in exports of Brazilian pork to Russia and six other news items in ART DE LEX’s Focus on Brazil

The most recent edition of Focus on Brazil, from ART DE LEX, includes details about seven major developments.

  • In the recently released “Doing Business–2015” from the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation, Russia jumped to the top third of the list and received a ranking of 62 out of 189 countries. It also has done well in the rankings of the World Economic Forum and Bloomberg’s “Best for Doing Business.”
  • Because of Russian import bans on countries that have imposed on sanctions on Russia, Brazil has increased its exports of dairy and meet products to Russia. Russia now is the second largest importer of Brazilian pork, for example, and Brazilian meat exporters are taking steps to beef up their supplies.
  • Three Brazilian dairy producers are about to export their goods to Russia, which never before imported dairy products from Brazil.
  • SOGAZ OSJX is the first Russian insurer to enter the Brazilian reinsurance market, one of the largest in Latin America.  It will focus on manufacturing, real estate, construction, energy, aviation, and freight. SOGAZ already underwrites in other Latin American countries, including Mexico and Argentina.
  • Brazilian authorities are inspecting Russian fish-processing facilities and shipping companies in anticipation of importing fish products from Russia. Based on statements from the Brazilian Ministry of Finance, a bilateral trade agreement is likely with Russia. Other economic cooperation is possible, including investments through the New Development Bank.
  • Rusatom Overseas and Camargo Correa will construct a spent fuel storage facility in the state of Rio de Janeiro and build new nuclear power plants in Brazil. It is the first time Russia will export its nuclear technology to the Americas.
  • A conference took place in Brazil in the beginning of November that considered the possibilities of Brazilian and Russian collaboration in technological fields. The Russian organizers attracted Russian business leaders, government officials, and academics who visited Brazilian universities, corporations, business associations, and think tanks in several major cities.

To get more information about these news items, see the 14 November 2014 ART DE LEX Focus on Brazil at http://artdelex.ru/eng/reviews/focus-on-brazil-79130.

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