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Artur Zurabyan | A Commentary for the Lawyers Gazette – Criminal Liability related to Bankruptcy Crimes

State Duma will consider a Bill on the tightening of the criminal liability for the unlawful actions related to bankruptcy as well as intentional bankruptcy. Advocate and a Head of the Dispute Resolution and International Arbitration Practice Artur Zurabyan says that the goal behind the Bill is a diversification of the liability due to the degree of the act’s wrongfulness. The Bill also aims to cover the ultimate beneficiaries of the business, not only the executives, who, ofttimes, are nominal and directly instructed by the UBO’s when and if it comes to Bankruptcy affairs.  


More details on:  https://www.advgazeta.ru/novosti/predlozheno-uzhestochit-ugolovnuyu-otvetstvennost-za-prestupleniya-v-sfere-bankrotstva/?fbclid=IwAR0oNR_vaFgzNudYMbMwu_FS_PZC0nFRGgp6pIPWazOJL6UVSpqH13xEoyY