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The Court orders Google to restore Tsargrad account on YouTube

On April 13th, Commercial (Arbitrazh) Court of Moscow ruled in favor of Tsargrad Media in a litigation against Google and it’s affiliates who blocked its account. The Court decided that a blocking actions was unlawful and the termination of the monetization contract is unlawful.  

Dmitry Magonya believes that this is a precedent-setting case both for Russia and the world. It’s for the first time the Russian court is ordering to a company to get back to the contract it terminated prior to sanctions concerns despite the fact that this company is a resident of the domicile that imposed the sanctions in the first place. In other words – the Court deemed the behavior of the company to be contradictory to Russia’s ordere public because it substantiate blocking as a reason for termination.   

More details: https://www.interfax.ru/russia/761086