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Dmitry Magonya to speak at upcoming International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace conference in San Diego (USA)

From 9-11 August 2013, the International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace (IAJIWP) conference will be held in San Diego, California. Scholars from the world’s leading institutions of higher learning, judges on national and international courts, as well as lawyers and representatives from large law firms from various countries are expected to attend the event.

Dmitry Magonya, Managing Partner at ART DE LEX, will be delivering a speech at the conference entitled “The Challenges of Judicial Independence and the Experience of the Russian Federation”. This will be Mr Magonya’s second appearance at the IAJIWP. Other attendees invited to the conference from the Russian Federation are Sergey Nikitin, Vice Rector of the Russian Academy of Justice, and Dmitry Maleshin, Professor of the Department of Civil Process of the Law School of Moscow State University.

ART DE LEX is actively involved in the IAJIWP, and our lawyers are members of the Association’s working bodies. In 2014, under the auspices of ART DE LEX and the Russian Academy of Justice, IAJIWP will hold its annual conference in Moscow. As confirmation of the IAJIWP’s outstanding achievements, the Association was nominated for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. For more details on this, please click here.

The preliminary schedule of Conference’s events: 

Friday, 9 August 2013

17:30 – 19:30 Opening session:

Human rights, Democracy and Judicial independence

Session Chair: Professor Maimon Schwarzschild, School of Law, University of San Diego, Conference Co Chair


Professor Stephen C. Ferruolo , Dean of the School of Law, University of San Diego

Professor Edward Luck, Dean of the Institute of Peace and Justice , University of San Diego

Opening Remarks

Professor Maimon Schwarzschild, School of Law, University of San Diego, Conference Co Chair

Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, General Coordinator of the International Project of Judicial Independence, Conference Co Chair

Professor Christopher F. Forsyth, Director of Centre of Public Law, University of Cambridge, England


Keynote Speech:

The Scope of Judicial Review and the Rule of Law: Between Judicial Restraint and Judicial Activism

Sir Louis Blom-Cooper Q.C, Bencher of the Middle Temple; Deputy High Court Judge London

Keynote Speech US: To be decided.

Evening: Social Event To Be Decided 

Saturday, 10 August 2013

 9:00 – 10:30: Session 2 Judicial independence, Rule of Law and World Peace

Session Chair: Professor Christopher F. Forsyth, Director of Center of Public Law, University of Cambridge, England

Judicial Independence and the Rule of Law: Transnational Conundra

Professor Neil H. Andrews, Professor of Civil Justice and Private Law, University of Cambridge,

Culture of Peace in Europe and The Development of the Human Rights Protection in the EU

Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Conference Co Chair

Reflections on reforming judicial Selection in California

Justice Professor Joseph Grodin, Professor of law, UC Hasting, USA

Professor Jonathan Entin,Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Law, Case Western Reserve University

Dr. Cyrus Das, Former President of The Malaysian Bar

10:30 – 11:00: Coffee Break

11:00– 12:30: Session 3:

The Impact of Transnational Jurisprudence on Judicial Independence

Session ChairH.E. Advocate Markus Buechel, Senior Advocate, Liechtenstein

Professor Dr. h.c. Walter H. Rechberger, Head of the Department of Civil Procedure, Institut für Zivilverfahrensrecht, Vienna University

The Impact of the European Human Rights Jurisprudence on Swiss Domestic Law

Adv. Gian Andrea Danuser, Advocate, Zurich Switzerland

Interactions between the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Professor Arianna Vedaschi, Universita Bocconi, Italy

Professor Dmitry Maleshin, Moscow University, Russia


General Discussion

12:30– 14:00: Lunch Break

Afternoon – Social Program 

Sunday, 11 August 2013

09:00-10:30 : Session 4

Promoting judicial Independence Liberty and Democracy

Session Chair: Adv. Eli Bentovim, Advocat , Israel 

The Position of the Judiciary in China

Professor Liu Hao. Beihang University, China

Professor Wayne McCormack, Professor of Law, University of Utah

Procedural and legal guarantees of Judicial Independence in the Russian Federation

Professor Sergey V. Nikitin, Russian Academy of Justice, Moscow, Russia

Dr. Sophie Turenne, Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge ,UK

The Conceptual Definition of the Constitutional Court in Italy

Professor Giuseppe Franco Ferrari, Universita Bocconi, Italy

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break

11:00– 13:00: Session 5 Contemporary Issues of Judicial independence

Session Chair: Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, General Coordinator of the International Project of Judicial Independence, Conference Co Chair

Challenges of Judicial Independence and Experience of the Russian Federation

Adv. Dmitry V. Magonya, ART DE LEX Law Firm, Moscow, Russia

Judicial Independence and accountability in European Prespectives

Professor Mads Andenas, University of Oslo, Norway

Professor Amnon Reichman, University of Haifa, Israel

Dr. Surya Deva, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Shimon Shetreet , Continuing discussion of Mount Scopus International Standards of Judicial Independence

Concluding Remarks :  Professor Maimon Schwarzschild, School of Law, University of San Diego , Conference Co Chair