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Business Breakfast "FAS Inspections" and Workshop on “Rate Applications”

A business breakfast on FAS audits and a workshop on “Rate Applications” will take place in Moscow on 12 September in the office of ART DE LEX, at 4/17 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow 1, Entrance 2, Office 26 (Fifth Floor). Details and registration are at: 

Maria Sineva will answer any questions about registering for the event by phone (+7 919 776 21 10) or e-mail ( ).

FAS audits: How does one effectively protect the interests of a company in complex situations?

09:30 – 11:30

The FAS of Russia has declared the fight against cartels one of its main activities. The most important tool it has to disclose anticompetitive agreements and the key source of evidence for the FAS is inspections, especially so called on-site dawn raids. Experience in supporting clients during FAS audits shows that the antimonopoly authorities use all possible methods to detect signs of violations against antimonopoly legislation. The FAS of Russia often exploits the incomplete knowledge of the law on the part of the employees and managers of companies. The speakers will analyze the mistakes that companies make in the course of inspections, starting from the moment the FAS inspection team arrives at the firm, during inspections, and ending with the execution of the inspection report. They also will discuss effective legal remedies.

1) The limits of the authority of the FAS.

2) The cooperation of FAS with law enforcement agencies.

3) The errors of companies and effective legal remedies.


Yaroslav Kulik
Partner at ART DE LEX

Kirill Dozmarov
Head of the Antitrust Practice Group at ART DE LEX

Workshop: How to effectively form rate bids, in the light of dynamic changes in antimonopoly legislation

12:00 – 13:30

Efficiently built internal corporate approaches to the formation of rates in regulated services affect the level of revenue of companies and their efforts to optimize operating costs. There also are numerous disputes and disagreements between regulated entities, consumers, and regulatory authorities regarding economic feasibility and the declared costs. In August 2019, the government of the Russian Federation approved a large-scale roadmap for the transition to the use of the “analogue comparison method” for supplying heat. The workshop will discuss, in detail, the initiatives of the antimonopoly authority as well as economic methods and tools that facilitate the goals the roadmap sets.

1) The workshop will discuss current issues related to rate regulation in the heat supply sector, taking into account the latest legislative changes in Russia.

2) The participants will consider new initiatives of the antimonopoly authority and formulate some basic principles for regulated entities:

a) How to form rate bids effectively.

b) How to establish economically justified prices and not to violate the provisions of the antimonopoly legislation when cancelling regulated prices (rates) for steam.


Tatiana Basova
Senior Antitrust Economist at ART DE LEX

Anastasia Adodina
Deputy Head of the Department of Control over Housing and Public Utilities of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia

Elena Tyshevskaya
Deputy Head of the Department of Control over Housing and Public Utilities of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia

Tatiana Kazakevich
Deputy General Director for Administrative and Legal Work of LLC CTP MOZK