Restructuring and Bankruptcy
Of the support for restructuring and bankruptcy
The legal regulation of bankruptcy is a key problem encountered by business owners in the course of entrepreneurial activity. From the standpoint of beneficiaries, bankruptcy is a thorny stage in the sheltering of assets from third-party claims. From the standpoint of creditors, bankruptcy offers the chance to regain the rightful ownership of assets. In the never-ending battle of interests among creditors, management, and owners, the ones who emerge victorious from bankruptcy are those who have the advantage of high-quality legal expertise representing them in the resolution of any disputes.
The restructuring and bankruptcy practice is a core focus at ART DE LEX. We have the resources and experience needed to effectively handle projects in this nuanced field. Our specialists have successfully advocated the interests of state banks, private lending institutions and their beneficiaries, major manufacturing, commercial and trading organizations, construction companies, and agricultural enterprises in bankruptcy cases.
ART DE LEX attorneys have extensive experience representing the interests of creditors and debtors at all stages of bankruptcy procedures, offering the full range of the services required for the effective defense of the client’s interests.
We offer a full range of legal services in the areas of restructuring, insolvency, and bankruptcy (including transborder matters). The practice’s specialists have frequently represented the interests of creditors in the collection of troubled debt, successfully defended the interests of debtors in bankruptcy cases, and preserved the assets and lowered the risks of company executives being held to subsidiary liability.
In our handling of restructuring and bankruptcy projects, we reinforce our project team with specialists in the fields of tax, corporate law, and criminal law, professionals in the areas of appraisal and conservatorship, and experts in real estate. This makes it possible to provide comprehensive legal support in all matters that might arise during bankruptcy procedures.
Professional achievements of the practice area
- Evaluating the legal implications and risks of various bankruptcy scenarios.
- Defending the client’s interests during the formation of the creditors register and defending against the inclusion in the register of baseless creditor claims.
- Challenging transactions concluded by the debtor to the detriment of creditors’ interests.
- Holding the debtor’s controlling entities, as well as the members of their management bodies, to subsidiary liability for the debtor’s obligations, and securing the recovery of damages from such individuals.
- Providing legal support in the formulation and implementation of a strategy to prevent bankruptcy, including the preparation of a plan for the restructuring and refinancing of debt obligations.
- Evaluating the possibility and practicality of using bankruptcy procedures for the purposes of business restructuring.
- Defending the interests of the debtor and its controlling entities in creditors’ challenges to transactions reasonably concluded prior to the introduction of financial-rehabilitation or bankruptcy procedures.
- Defending the interests of the debtor and its controlling entities in disputes over subsidiary liability.
- Defending the debtor’s interests in dealings with law enforcement agencies for the purposes of protecting the interests of the debtor’s management and controlling entities.
- Supporting a foreign creditor’s participation in the insolvency case of a Russian debtor and vice versa.
- Representing the client’s interests in cases where the debtor’s property is located abroad.
- Securing the recognition of foreign bankruptcies and enforcement of international judicial acts.
- Consulting on conflicts-of-law rules and the applicable law.
- Legal support to the activities of official receivers.
- Handling the procedures associated with inclusion in the register of creditors.
- Recovery of assets, including assets located in foreign jurisdictions.
- Legal support for auctions in the sale of the debtor’s assets.
- Identification and contesting of the debtor’s dubious transactions.
- Imposing subsidiary liability on the debtor’s controlling entities.
- Representing the creditor’s interests in dealings with law enforcement agencies when the involvement of an attorney is advisable, such as in criminal cases against the debtor’s managers or founders.
- Suing for the recovery of debt, including handling the levies of execution.
- Providing legal support under the out-of-court settlement of disputes with counterparties and state agencies.
- Representing the interests of our client in litigation involving disputes over rights to real estate properties, as well as disputes arising from construction contracts, lease agreements, sale-purchase agreements, and other agreements.