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Russian Registration Authority specifies the rules for registration of unfinished real estate

Such draft law was prepared by the authority. What is meant here is simplified registration of construction work in progress that got into the federal or regional register of budget-funded suspended construction. Experts interviewed by «» believe that the document is more of a technical character, but may reduce bureaucracy and accelerate privatization of state-owned delayed construction.

Attorney of the ART DE LEX Real Estate and Construction Practice Alexander Petrov believes that the content of the draft law in general is not connected with the current state of disputes about registration of rights for unfinished real estate and will not have any impact on development of the case law in this area of relations. According to him, courts mostly have difficulties when qualifying building works as construction work in progress, the right for which is registrable.

«However, the Supreme Court during recent years has provided a number of clarifications on the matter and now everything is basically reduced to construction expertise. New potential disputes on unfinished construction could rather be related to previous initiatives, already implemented in the legislation - for example, disputes of private co-investors on the future of unfinished real estate entered in the register, especially in the case of making decision in their demolition», — added the expert.

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